It was just one of those decisions.
We were all meeting up in Jabel Webdeh (a lovely neighborhood in Amman) to relax and talk before one of our friends left for good to the airport. It was a surprisingly warm March day and we were certainly enjoying the weather of the area.
We all said our goodbyes and started walking back towards the downtown. Anita was going to head back home and we were just trying to think of things to do when Max mentioned that he’d love to see the Hejaz Railway station and we all agreed that was a good idea, and so a new adventure was born.
Anita had a car because of her job and we all wandered over to it on Jabel Amman (another neighborhood) and crammed into the little matchbox sized set of wheels and attempted to navigate our way to the train station.
However, the first point of business was trying to get ourselves out of Jabel Amman which was surprisingly no easy task. We circle the area several times, trying unsuccessfully to navigate by map and mobile GPS when we approached one of the local taxi cab drivers and asked him directions.
“Is there a way from here to downtown?” – Asked Anita
“Yes you go that way” – the driver replied pointing at a one way street
“But that is unallowed” – responded Anita
“Everything is unallowed” quipped the taxi driver
So that’s when we learned a bit about the “rules” of the road in Jordan. Sometimes the only way is the wrong way. But we were not out of the woods yet, we still had to navigate the congested streets of the downtown. It seems like utter bedlam if you look at the traffic, and you wonder how people avoid accidents. But surprisingly the people are quite cordial and actually attempting not to hit you even if it looks the contrary.
We started to attempt to navigate, mostly through a hotel tourist map and a smartphone that seemed to update navigation as soon as we miss our turn. Speeding around the motorways of the city our destination seemed to always be out of our grasp and the incessant “recalculating” made me want to give up or at least throw the phone out of the window. And then with some luck and some quick driving, we found our way to where we hoped was the right location and parked.
There was a sign, which was a good hope that we were near to our destination if we could only figure or way up. We wandered for a bit, found some locals who gave up some directions and made our way up towards the train station.
We finally got our first glimpses of the station although still no sign of how to get ourselves inside. It was an interesting area, far outside of the main area of the city. We didn’t see many people, just a few locals and a few kids playing in some partially constructed buildings nearby.
We made it! Huzzah! We finally found our destination. The Amman Hejaz railway station.
We made our way to the gate, looked around tried to poke our noses inside, but it was all locked up. Possibly it was closed for good, or possibly we made it here on the day when the place and museum are shut down. After all that navigating, it was disappointing to think we made it here and wouldn’t have the chance to visit. And without a car or other transportation, it would be expensive or painful to try to return again.
But then I noticed a little switch sitting lonely on the post and I stared at it contemplating what to do and Marlene saw it too and we decided to push it and see what happened. A few moments later a person’s head popped out from the above window and said something quickly to us and told us to wait there.
The museum / train station was closed today and we were out of luck, but through some negotiating (mostly by Anita as her Arabic crushed the rest of ours) we managed to convince him for a few JD to show us around on our own private tour.
The group and the Guide. I love the cat on the tracks.
The actual station does not operate but apparently, it was operating as recently as two years ago, but due to the war in Syria, they have had to shut down the station. Honestly by the looks of the station and the train, I am hard pressed to believe this place was running two years ago even. It feels like it hasn’t been running in decades.
It was actually a really interesting place. Sadly the museum was closed. Hearing about the history of the Hejaz railway, and the station was interesting.
About the Hejaz Railway
For those that don’t know the Hejaz railway ran from Damascus to Medina with many stops in between. There was also a connection on to Istanbul as well as a connection through Palestine to Haifa. It was technically completed in 1908 (with some sections still only temporary set up) and then in 1913 the Damascus station officially opened.
The track was originally planned to continue all the way to Mecca but it never got completed due to the start of World War 1. Sadly my Arabic still was not very advanced at this point in time so I did not catch all of what our guide was saying but it still was able to catch quite a bit.
These days on a few sections of the train line are still operating, and of course even less so with the conflict in Syria. There has been lots of talks of restoring stations and other parts of the lines, but there has not been much movement on that. It would be amazing to return here again one day, perhaps once the conflict in Syria is over to actually get a chance to see the station operate again. If the station, that is will operate again in the future.
Getting to the Amman Hejaz Railway Station
The Hejaz train station is located in Amman along King Abdullah Street. Now, mind you that street is incredibly long. It is several miles outside of the city center. It shows up on a lot of the hotel maps, however.
Getting here is a bit tricky if you don’t have your own transportation and even if you do have your own transportation. It is not a popular tourist stop as most people don’t even know it exists here. Getting a taxi might be a bit pricey but probably your best option if you are intent on visiting. Worth a visit only for the most dedicated of travelers.
* * * * *
Patty says
Thank you. For posting. I love trains. I will be in Jordan for only 3 weeks. I hope to see the stationn.
Anwar says
Hope you can make it out to the station. I’ve been Hejaz stations in a few countries now. It’s been a little bit since my last trip to the Amman station. I would love to know how it’s changed if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
Nader Malkawi says
My name is Nader
I work in Jordan Hejaz Railway
Im a train driver
Im glad that your takling about our station train the Hejaz train and i liked your way with tilling the advenger
I hope you enjoyed your privet tour and asking you to do it again but this time as a special guest
We have a facebook page and a youtube channel called
Jordan Hejaz Railway
You can follow us and even you can book a trip
In the 10th of may we have a wonderful trip gose from north to south from Al_Mafraq station in the north to Aqaba by the Hejaz Railway
Its a privet trip for people how booked it
We will be broadcasting this trip on our facebook page
Glade that there is lots of people are interesting withe the Hejaz Railway
And hope you all to visit us
Best wishes
Anwar says
Hi Nader
I look forward to visiting you all again. Thank you for reading about my trip and the wonderful comment!
Tom Kennedy says
Nice to hear that the Hedjaz railway is still alive. I managed to ride the train to Syria a few years’ ago before the war in that country. Very interesting ride, especially the spiral down the hillside to Damascus – you could see the city more than one hour before arrival; in Syria, the train stopped for a few minutes at a tomato growing area and the conductor made a kind of “pizza” and shared slices with all (maybe 5 of us) passengers. I understand the Jordanian section operates charter passenger trains on occasion into the desert for drinks/dinner. Will be back in the country soon so will investigate.
NG says
well, guess what. we went to this train station today, and apparently the trains are running!!!! Not to Syria, but you can go up and down Jordan. The man at the station says it costs 4 jd a ride, and that the trains run every friday and Saturday, and that you can go and come back the same day. Also, since next week is Eid, the trains will be running every day for five days straight in honor, except for the very first day of the holiday. So we are going to test it out next week, will let you know how it goes!
AY says
Please let me know how it goes! I would love to hear about it. Where will you be going during Eid? How long are you in Jordan? I’m in Jordan myself as well and am very curious now about the trains!
Norman says
My wife & I visited Jordan in March 2014 & had a wonderful time. It included a visit to the station on afternoon. It to appeared closed but from the road overpass bridge we saw some people inside who once noticed us indicated to go to the gate. We had an interesting private tour as you described learning much with the help of our Jordanian driver. Great experience.
AY says
That is great that you were able to go as well! So does it look closed all the time then!? That is great that you had a private tour too. It is such an interesting place and such interesting history! I don’t think most people get the chance or even know it is there to visit! Any other favorite spots for you in Amman Norman? Did you do any other travel in the region besides Jordan?
Vicki says
great photo’s and a lovely introduction to a little slice of Amman that I hadn’t heard of before, it’s been a long time since I visited but if I get back there I would love to seek this out.
AY says
Yeah it is something very few people go and visit. It is not one of the main tourist sights, but honestly that is one of the reasons to go and see it. It would be amazing to go back and see it when it is running (if that ever happens again…)
jill says
Hahaa, love the spontaneous nature of this quest.
AY says
Yes, spontaneous trips are always the best. The lets see what’s there….kinda things. Always the best stories too! Thanks for the visit Jill
Salika Jay says
The cat on the track looks like a guard, watching what you guys are up to 🙂 Nice selection of photos. I love the Amman station photo (first one).
AY says
Yeah the cat was probably wondering where all these tourists came from! Glad they let us in, it still was fun getting there, but i’m glad I got a chance to explore the station as well.
Marisol@TravelingSolemates says
I have read about this train station and wanted to check it out but didn’t have much time when we were in Amman. Nice touring it through your post. I’m glad you were able to convince the custodian to give you a private tour. The station looks interesting, like a ghost town. You’re right it looks abandon for decades and not just two years. You have very nice photos.
AY says
Haha yes, we were like seriously, 2 years ago? Like actually operating? But he said it was! I’d love to have had the opportunity to ride the train, that would have been absolutely amazing. one day perhaps….
Ruchira says
Great pix.
Never been to that side of the world, and it is always a delight to read about other countries.
AY says
Thanks for the comment. Jordan is a great place. I was living there for 6 months and recently returned to the US. I have a lot of stories I need to post about it!