One of the most beautiful times to be here in DC is during the Cherry Blossom Festival. The thousands of cherry trees that dot the landscape came here as a gift of friendship from the nation of Japan in the year 1912 (2,000 cherry trees arrived earlier but were sadly destroyed due to insect infestation). There is over a hundred years of … [Read more...]
Cherry Blossom (Sakura) Posts
State of the Blossom: Washington DC
Mr. Speaker, Vice President, members of the blog community, distinguished readers, and fellow photographers. It’s spring time and that means Cherry Blossoms here in DC and many parts of the world and that means it is time for flowers. Nothing seems to light up DC more than the annual blooming of the cherry trees. I’ve been getting a … [Read more...]
Travel Show and Cherry Blossoms — Washington DC
As part of my quest to really start to explore the areas around where I live and to keep up with the travel bug, I decided to check out the Travel and Adventure Show this past weekend in Washington DC. The Travel and Adventure show is an annual show that showcases travel companies and destinations in several US cities (Atlanta, Dallas, … [Read more...]